State of Human 2020

State of Human 2020

Market report

Business, Artificial Intelligence, Automation


– Flores Minuesa, J
– Hitli, I.
– Hoes, F.J.C.
– Reijnen, J.C.R



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About this research

Technologies have always – and will continue to – disrupt our lives in almost any way possible. The increasing usage of AI and breakthroughs within AI research leaves many of us questioning if there is still a place for humans in this continuously robotizing world. In order to gain some insight into our future, we decided to survey leading professionals about their opinions on the future. They, after all, stand at the front of technological evolution and adoption.

This report obviously does not give the ultimate answer to the question posed. You must see the results of this report as if you were to dip your toes into the water in order to figure out what the temperature is. We do not aim to be conclusive or to make any big statements. We simply want to offer you, the reader, a glance into the minds of these decision-makers so you can get an idea of how they see the future and how it might impact your life and work. Since we at the Brand Humanizing Institute have been performing research on the intersection of technology and humans since 2017, we also shed some light on the findings from our own experience.

Our recommendations for the future might help you change policies within your organization or may help you in some of the decision making you yourself are doing.

About this research

Technologies have always – and will continue to – disrupt our lives in almost any way possible. The increasing usage of AI and breakthroughs within AI research leaves many of us questioning if there is still a place for humans in this continuously robotizing world. In order to gain some insight into our future, we decided to survey leading professionals about their opinions on the future. They, after all, stand at the front of technological evolution and adoption.

This report obviously does not give the ultimate answer to the question posed. You must see the results of this report as if you were to dip your toes into the water in order to figure out what the temperature is. We do not aim to be conclusive or to make any big statements. We simply want to offer you, the reader, a glance into the minds of these decision-makers so you can get an idea of how they see the future and how it might impact your life and work. Since we at the Brand Humanizing Institute have been performing research on the intersection of technology and humans since 2017, we also shed some light on the findings from our own experience.

Our recommendations for the future might help you change policies within your organization or may help you in some of the decision making you yourself are doing.

Market report

Business, Artificial Intelligence, Automation


– Flores Minuesa, J
– Hitli, I.
– Hoes, F.J.C.
– Reijnen, J.C.R



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Other research.

Brand Humanizing fundament

After a one year long explorative research ranging from desk-research to in-company experience and expert-interviews, we propose a way of working that integrates human strengths with rising technologies such as AI called Brand Humanizing.